April 26, 2023

Ranking Member Takano: "House Republicans are reneging on the promise they made to America's veterans"

Press Contact

For Immediate Release   
April 26, 2023

Miguel R. Salazar

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  Today, House Committee on Veterans' Affairs Ranking Member Mark Takano (D-CA) delivered remarks at a press conference organized by VoteVets to highlight the GOP’s disastrous cuts to veterans' healthcare and benefits. 

Ranking Member Takano's remarks as prepared: 

Good afternoon!

It pains me to say, but I’m feeling a bit of DeJa’Vu.

While I’m glad to see so many advocates and veterans supporters here, I’m frustrated to be here.

Less than one year ago, we stood together. After fighting so hard to ensure that veterans exposed to toxic substances were provided the healthcare and benefits they deserve and have earned, our effort stalled in the Senate because of the objections of a few “fiscally minded” Republicans.

Eventually, you all set them straight and we finally passed my bill, the PACT Act.

That should have settled the debate – if you send servicemembers into harm’s way, you better be ready to pay for the cost of the care for that service.

But now, Republicans are reneging on their promise to veterans, again holding their benefits hostage, again pointing to concerns about fiscal responsibility, and ultimately seeking to balance the budget on the backs of veterans – no matter the consequences.

The cuts they have proposed could result in 30 million fewer healthcare visits and the loss of 81,000 VA employees responsible for providing benefits to veterans. 

If you are a veteran and you are listening, I’ll tell you what this would mean for you – fewer staff to assist you with your care, an increased claims backlog, and longer wait times for you to get benefits.

In my home state of California for example, as you can see behind me, veterans will collectively lose access to nearly 2.3 million outpatient appointments.

There’s a saying, “Either put up or shut up.” Well, Republicans have failed to put up. Despite their patriotic platitudes, their cliché expressions thanking veterans for their service, and purporting to care so much for veterans – they have FAILED to produce a budget that puts their money where their mouth is.

This budget, in effect, is reneging on the promise Republicans made when they voted for the PACT Act last year.

But House Democrats have shown up, whether it was passing the PACT Act, extending parity to members of our Guard and Reserve, or protecting student veterans from predatory institutions. We will continue to defend against cuts to funding for our veterans and their families.

We owe it to our nation’s veterans to honorably recognize their service – not subject them to political hijinks with potentially disastrous consequences.